Assigned Executive Board Member:
Members: Janet Horvath, David Gill, Eric Feldbaum
General Responsibilities as written in BYLAWS:
1. The Legislative Committee shall review and act upon all amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws prior to submission of same to members of the Association.
2. It shall actively cooperate with the Executive Board in the introduction of beneficial legislation that directly or indirectly affects recreation and park profession.
Specific Tasks:
1. Discuss offering “advocacy day”.
2. Chair will send Executive Director a legislative update as issues arise so the information can be shared with members via email and website.
3. Continue supporting LWCF and other national and state programs important to the parks and recreation profession.
4. Continue to inform Association members of all pertinent legislative events.
5. Continue working with members and the Executive Board to ensure that the NHRPA
Constitution and Bylaws remain working documents.
6. Continue to monitor state legislative issues that impact NHRPA or parks and recreation in NH and testify or contact legislators as needed.